Let’s remove the red tape for affordable housing development, because creating homes
for the homeless means we dogs get our parks back. My best friend Regen started
volunteering with those experiencing homelessness in 2015 (when I had a lot less white
hair on my snoot). He says a lot of money has been set aside to build affordable
housing but that the regulations surrounding such construction render it a hollow
solution for the unhoused.
Wouldn’t it make sense to expedite these developments and cut through the red tape?
We shouldn’t cut out the environmental studies that accompany any new proposed
development, but if homelessness is the emergency the city and county agree it is then
shouldn’t such developments be fast-tracked? The streets are no place for humans (or
their canine companions) to be living so the sooner we get them off the streets the
better it is for everyone, including those of us fortunate to be housed.