The other side talks a lot about their “rights”, like their right to own assault weapons.But when do those rights matter more than our right to live? Our friend Ross said it well in yesterday’s video posting: When school shootings start to become mundane, that doesn’t say much about us as a society. For those folks who say it’s their Second Amendment right to own a military-grade assault weapon with a high-capacity magazine designed to kill large quantities of people…okay, for the sake of argument let’s assume you have that right. But then you have to answer the following: Are you okay with that right costing the lives of a classroom full of elementary school children? Of course not! But the same laws which make it legal for you as a law-abiding citizen to own an AR-15 also make it legal for the mentally ill or just plain homicidal person to also own one.

Thankfully, that’s not the case now in California, but if the other side got their way, they’d have the Supreme Court strike down any meaningful gun control for the entire nation. That would require federal legislation to enact, and does anyone think Republicans in Congress are going to go for that? Of course not!

Regen grew up with a father who was a gun collector, and they regularly went target shooting. He doesn’t keep guns himself, but he gets it. What he doesn’t get is how antigun control advocates can ignore what happens all too often in this country: Little boys and girls screaming for their mommies and daddies as they watch their classmates blown apart all around them until it’s their turn, leaving behind the shattered lives of their surviving family members, human and canine alike.

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